Dinesh Neelay

Dinesh is a professional freelance consultant with over 15 years of experience. He holds a wide range of experience Lean six stigma, ADKAR, business modelling, facilitation, balance scorecard, technology management, and GE workouts, all of which he uses to re-engineer and redefine your process. He is also the community co-author for the business model You! book, and co-invented the US patent 6,173,214. Dinesh believes in improving results with existing resources, and his approach towards success is to bridge the gap between vision and execution. This can be achieved by curiosity and openness, simplicity and structure, staying cool headed, and communicating effectively. He uses these values as a pillar in delivering high-quality service for his clients.

| Sep 03 |

Learnings from Meditation

The pandemic has halted many distractions of our lives. Social distancing has made everyday interactions feel like history. For instance, most group meetings convert a real person as a small head shot and an unseen voice. Our homes are a place of both work and leisure. Many of my friends have turned to practice meditation during these times […]

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