ayurvedic medicine for bone strength

| May 12 |

The Value of Cloves

The cloves we use in cooking are actually flowerbeds of the clove tree. You can use this in both whole and ground forms as a seasoning to hot meals, desserts, and beverages. For instance, many people use this in gingerbread cookies or Indian desserts like Kheer for its powerful taste. In addition, it is nutrient-rich […]

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| Jan 04 |

Understanding the Jamun Fruit

When you think of herbs, nuts, seeds and spices, jamuns are unlikely to come up. In fact, you have probably merely heard of the fruit in passing. However, you may want to give both the seeds and fruit some more attention. These go by the names Eugenia Jambolana (in Latin) and Jamun Beej (in Sanskrit), […]

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| Jan 01 |

The Hidden Power of Ashwagandha

The Ashwagandha herb is a staple of Ayurveda. In other words, it is one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbs; also going by the names Witharia Somnifera (in Latin) or Asgandh (in Sanskrit). This is an ancient medical ‘adaptogenic’ herb since it eases stress. Further, you can steer clear of all forms of illnesses through regular use. […]

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| Nov 05 |

Ayurvedic Treatment of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the condition of bone thinness or brittleness. It is a result of low calcium, protein, or hereditary causes. Thus, the body does not form sufficient bone mass, or reabsorbs existing bones into the body. It is most common amongst elders. For instance, it affects half of 60-year old American males, and one-third of […]

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