July 2020

| Jul 24 |


17.1 How can Ayurveda protect you against Coronavirus? Certain Ayurvedic habits and tricks can provide innumerable protection against the virus. 17.2 Healthy Ayurvedic practises  Shadanga paniya powder Is liquid ayurvedic medicine consisting of musta, parpat, usheer, chandan and nagar which increases immunity. Agastya Haritaki is an ayurvedic medicine effective for respiratory problems. Arsenicum album 30 […]

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| Jul 24 |


18.1 Supporting Women’s Health 18.1.1 Knowing your body through Dosha Type ‘NARI SHAKTI’ IS A WORD WHICH IS DECADES OLD, YET WE HAVE STARTED CONSIDERING AND UNDERSTANDING THIS WORD NOW. AYURVEDA HAS ALWAYS CLASSIFIED WOMEN AS A EMBODIMENT OF POWER OR SHAKTI, OR SOURCE OF CREATION. Talking about “women’s health” gives various dimensions concerning different […]

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| Jul 23 |

Lose Belly Fat The Ayurveda Way

You can’t live a healthy life if you’re overweight or obese. Unfortunately, our urban lifestyles are rampant breeding grounds for those extra kilos. Desk jobs, packaged food, vehicular transportation and little to no open spaces are often to blame. Haven’t you opted for a sugary soda when you were thirsty, or not thought twice before […]

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