ayurveda for blood pressure

| May 14 |

Flax Seeds: The Ancient Superfood

Flax seeds are among the most popular and versatile add-ons to your food. However, this isn’t just a recent trend. Cultures have prized this for centuries for improving longevity and immunity. In fact, these crops are common across ancient Indian, European, and Latin American civilizations. Thus, it’s no surprise that it garners the status of [...]
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| May 13 |

The Power of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbs you’ll find. You can identify the plant as a small one (2-3 feet tall) with green leaves, white flowers, and a pod containing smallish mustard-yellow seeds. Its plant parts hold an array of benefits to human beings. For instance, alternative Indian and Chinese medicine forms prize […]

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| May 13 |

The Marvels of Fennel

Fennel is a little-known but powerful ingredient in Ayurveda. This is an ancient digestive which has immense body system regulation benefits. For instance, it helps with bone health, blood pressure regulation, and proper cardiac functioning. Further, it can assist cancer treatment in some cases. You’ll find that it has a licorice-like flavor and adds a […]

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