February 2020

| Feb 18 |

Skin Marma Points of the Face and their Importance in Health and Wellness

What are the marma points? In its etymological meaning, the word marma comes from the Sanskrit word mri meaning death. Marma can also mean hidden or secret. These are points that are located at specific anatomical sites which are usually intersection between bones, joints, arteries, and tendons. Marma points are usually found in places like […]

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| Feb 11 |

Can Ayurvedic Treatment Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its joints. It creates an inflammation that causes the tissue in the lining of the inside of the joint which we also refer to as synovium and can result in swelling in and out of the join. If this […]

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| Feb 06 |

How Ayurvedic Treatments Can Help You Lose Weight Fast And Correctly

You have probably tried a lot of ways to lose weight fast but have failed. One of the main reasons for failing to lose weight fast is the fact that people only focus on a single task like only controlling diet or working out. Surely, dieting or working out alone will help losing weight, but […]

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