Skin Marma Points of the Face and their Importance in Health and Wellness

What are the marma points?

In its etymological meaning, the word marma comes from the Sanskrit word mri meaning death. Marma can also mean hidden or secret. These are points that are located at specific anatomical sites which are usually intersection between bones, joints, arteries, and tendons. Marma points are usually found in places like joints, muscles, and ligaments. This is comparable to acupuncture or acupressure points in traditional Chinese Medicine. These can be found usually were bundles of nerves which are the pathway to communication. Stimulation of these points brings renewed awareness, blood flow which results in a shift in the whole body as well as harmonizing effects as tension is released. However, trauma to certain marma points such as in heart, trachea, and others can cause death. That is why it is forbidden to strike these areas in martial arts. Ayurveda emphasizes 107 major marma points. According to Sushruta, marma points can be divided into 5 classes:

  • 11 muscle joints (mama-marmas)
  • 41 similar veins or anastomosis (sira-marmas)
  • 27 vital ligament unions (snayu-marmas)
  • 8 bone unions (asthi-marmas)
  • 20 vulnerable joints (sandhi-marmas)

An interesting 108th marma point in Ayurveda philosophy is the soul, a marma point which many marma practitioners stimulate and make a prayer for, before starting their treatments. 

Benefits of Stimulating Marma Points

Becoming a trend, Ayurvedic skin treatment in Kerala has conducted several successful treatments. Many people wonder about the benefits that this kind of treatment offers. Here are just a few benefits of Ayurvedic treatment for skin disease in Kerala, done through marma:

Disease prevention – Marma points can be used to keep both body and mind balanced. It has a clearing or regulatory effect when you press the marma. Ayurvedic treatment for skin disease in Kerala through marma can be incorporated as part of your lifestyle to maintain optimal health and prevent illnesses.

Minimally invasive –  Even proper use of herbs can stress your liver and/or kidney. Herbs contain phytochemicals that are strong enough to override natural bodily intelligence. Regular use of herbs can be very safe, but overuse many decades can weaken the liver and kidney. For both clients and practitioners, marma points are less invasive which means it’s a great candidate for prevention and maintenance.

Enhance mental well-being and awareness – Stimulation of marma points is said to be the gateway to thoughts, feelings, emotions. These openings are closely connected to the nervous system. Some parts of our body are areas where your nervous system affects your body and vice versa. Marma can capture and heal those places. Marma, in other words, can be profound in their ability to improve your body awareness and health.

Increased skincare awareness – Many practitioners have recorded their Ayurvedic beauty treatment in Kerala and have shown great improvement in their skincare. Common skin diseases such as asthma, acne, blackheads may be eliminated with marma points stimulation, accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.

Improved respiratory function – Stimulation of marma points helps with all the energy levels in your body. If you do this once a day, you will keep your energy levels unblocked and free-flowing. Marma energy points help release tension and they stimulate circulation in a particular part of your body, they clear imbalances, restore regular function. Due to this regulated circulation of blood flow, there are noted Ayurvedic treatment for respiratory allergies. Many practitioners have seen improvement in their blood circulation which enables them to live healthily in their day-to-day living. In addition to this, many have also documented that Ayurvedic treatment for breathing problems is highly effective in Kerala. People who suffer from breathing problems have seen improvement in their respiratory function. They no longer experience gasping for air when they do simple physical activities. Practitioners have claimed to live and breathe normally because of the proper stimulation of marma points.

Stimulation of these marma points helps your body clear those forgotten imbalances and it also offers a range of potential psychological and physiological benefits. These points are very vulnerable parts of the body which are even more sensitive to pain and injury can even prove fatal! Fortunately, the stimulation of these marma points help you develop an understanding of how bodily systems are interrelated. The manner of pressing stimulates new awareness of the body; thus, helping you diagnose and find your imbalances because if you have imbalances, certain marma points are more sensitive.

Facial Marma Points Stimulation

The parts of your body which you ignore are the parts of your body that are imbalanced. Although ignoring that part doesn’t mean that it’s going to get sick of having a problem. However, if that part of your body has a problem, then you won’t be able to notice it and not fix it. Worse is, your body won’t also notice it. Here are the common marma points in our body and their benefits:

  • Temples relieves mental stress.
  • Top of the head allows you to relax and let go of your worries and anxieties.
  • Midway between pubic bone or belly button relieves anxiety.
  • Ribs connected to sternum releases tension in your chest.
  • Either side of your nose increases your steadiness.
  • Points near your kidney increase your confidence.

Releasing your marma points will help you release all your energy that flows in your body and unblocking your marma points is very easy. All you need to do is using your index fingers, push into each pressure point starting with the one between your brows. Push in a little and while you’re doing that you will stimulate the pressure point. You will feel a little pulse on your finger. Hold it until 3 seconds before getting to the next point. You can take more than 3 seconds if you don’t feel the pulse. You’d only need to hold it for 3 seconds. So long as you feel the pulse, then you can move into the next point.

Here are the common facial marma points:

Your face has 8 important marma points that are responsible for creating regulated blood flow and stabilizing energy. If these marma points are pressed and stimulated at least once a day, you will have a radiant and glowing look. These 8 facial marma points and their locations:

1. Phana marma is located within the nasal cavity, beside the nose.
2. Apanga marma can be found on the side of the head and the outer part of the eyes.
3. Vidhur marma is located below both of our ears.
4. Shankha marma is between our ears and on our forehead.
5. Utkshepa marma is located on our forehead wherein our hair and scalp meet as well as on the temple area of our head.
6. Avarta marma are the points above our eyebrows
7. Shringataka marma is located on the head
8. Sthapani marma is found between our eyes.

A few of the many benefits of proper facial marma stimulation include glowing skin, hydrates the skin, and it also prevents acne and pimples. If these marma points are properly stimulated, this can eventually lead to overall well-being. Good radiance and glow of your skin give you a good feeling inside, making you feel better each day. This will add more confidence in you as you deal with different people each day. Proper skincare need not be expensive nor abusive in your health. You don’t need to pay an extravagant amount of money to look good. Ayurvedic marma treatment gives you a natural, cheap, and less invasive way of looking good!

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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