ayurvedic anti-ageing

| May 15 |

The Wonders of Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass or Tertulia is among the most fragrant herbs of Ayurveda. However, while it is most popular in aromatherapy, it carries other benefits too. First, it can protect you from microbes and free radical activity. Secondly, it can help your gut flora, which thus enables proper digestive health. Thirdly, it can regulate blood pressure. In […]

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| May 14 |

Here’s Why You Should Drink Rose Tea

Roses are flowers with cultural, health, and aesthetic value. Among other benefits, not many people know about rose petals. This is extensively helpful to skin health. First, it can fight harmful bacteria and hence get rid of acne. Secondly, they are phenolic and promote anti-ageing, and can hence get rid of wrinkles. Thirdly, you can […]

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| Jan 27 |

An Introduction to Tracaganth Gum or Gond

There are some Ayurvedic herbs you have been eating all your life. Alternatively, there are others which are not as popular. The Katira gond, for instance, is one such example. It also goes by the Latin name Tragacanth gum or gond in Ayurveda. While it may initially seem futile, don’t turn away – or there are […]

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| Jan 05 |

Eight Marvels of the Jatamansi Herb

The Jata Mansi is a rare Ayurvedic herb. Also known as nardostachys jatamansi, it is a dwarf, hairy, and herbaceous endangered plant type. It contain multiple restorative compounds which cures nerve, heart, skin, and digestive ailments. Above all, it holds relaxing and calming attributes. Therefore, it is an ideal ingredient in herbal medicines. Most importantly, this […]

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| Dec 31 |

Introducing Arjuna: The Natural Healer and Protector

The Arjuna herb dates back to over 1,000 years. Early references are present in the Mahabharata, for instance, which is one of Hinduism’s earliest epics. If you wonder how Arjuna in the Mahabharata got his name, remember that it was after this herb and its protective effects. However, the epics are not the only source which […]

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