The Wonders of Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass or Tertulia is among the most fragrant herbs of Ayurveda. However, while it is most popular in aromatherapy, it carries other benefits too. First, it can protect you from microbes and free radical activity. Secondly, it can help your gut flora, which thus enables proper digestive health. Thirdly, it can regulate blood pressure. In combination, each of these factors renders lemongrass a wonderful weight loss ingredient as a part of a balanced diet.

While this herb is native to South Asia and Sri Lanka in particular, you’ll find that it grows worldwide today. Its plant parts carry versatile uses. For instance, many Asian dishes use the stock of the plant as a base ingredient. Similarly, you can brew lemongrass to make tea as well.

Read on below for some detailed reasons as to how lemongrass tea in particular makes a wonderful addition to your diet.

Fights Ageing

Feel a couple of new wrinkles coming on? Not to worry – some lemongrass tea can do the trick. This is because this herb is rich in antioxidants, which fight free radical damage. In this manner, it can prevent oxidation or cellular damage, and hence slow down or reverse the aging process. Studies find that it can improve cell health in your coronary arteries in particular. Hence, it can boost cardiac health too.

Boosts Oral Health

Brushing and flossing twice a day definitely helps, but Ayurvedic herbs such as lemongrass can do wonders to your skin. This is because it has microbial properties that can help fight off germs and cavities. For instance, a 2012 in vitro study by the National Institute of Health finds that lemongrass essential oil can fight against streptococcal mutans bacteria which causes tooth decay. Similarly, other research finds that lemongrass oil and silver ions together can help fight off bacteria and fungus.

Fights Inflammation

High levels of inflammation are a leading cause of stroke and heart disease. However, lemongrass can fight against this. It contains two main compounds – citral and germinal – which combat inflammation. This is because it can fight against inflammation-causing markers in the body.

Lowers Cancer Risk

Lemongrass contains citral, which contains important anticancer properties. This can either directly cause cell death, or give your immune system a sufficient boost to boost white blood cell count (and thus, fight cancer). Lemongrass tea contains an adjuvant property – which helps during chemotherapy and radiation. However, make sure to use the help of an oncologist during these processes.

Helps the Digestion Process

Lemongrass tea is the perfect cure for various digestive issues, such as an upset stomach or cramps. For instance, a 2012 study on rodents shows that lemongrass is effective against gastric ulcers. Similarly, another study shows that it can prevent stomach lining damage from aspirin and ethanol. For these reasons, regular aspirin can protect you from gastric ulcers.

Diuretic Properties

The world of natural healing regards lemongrass as a diuretic. This means that it aids frequent urination which can help your body get rid of extra fluids and salts. This can thus protect you from heart or liver failure, or even edema. For instance, a 2001 study which looks at the effects of lemongrass tea in rats (over 6 weeks) finds that it carries similar effects to green tea in this regard. Above all, it does not come with organ damage or other side effects either.

Lowers Systolic Blood Pressure

A 2012 observational study among 72 male volunteers gives subjects either lemongrass tea or green tea. The study finds that those drinking lemongrass tea saw a mild drop in systolic blood pressure, as well as a slight rise in diastolic blood pressure. Further, it can lower heart rate too. Thus, these findings are especially helpful for patients with high blood pressure. However, those with heart problems should prevent drinking too much to avoid dangerous drops in heart rate or extremely high diastolic blood pressure.

Cholesterol Management

High cholesterol is a leading cause of strokes and heart attacks. A study from the journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology and research, for instance, shows that lemongrass oil can lower cholesterol rates in animals. This mainly depends on the dose of oil administered. Another animal study on mice in 2011 confirms long-term safety of 100 mg of lemongrass oil everyday. However, more research can among humans can help to confirm whether lemongrass tea and lemongrass oil have the same benefits.

Weight Loss

Lemongrass tea acts as a detox tea to boost metabolism and weight loss. Above all, this acts as a natural diuretic which can help you lose weight and boost metabolism. So, try replacing sugary and fizzy drinks with lemongrass tea. Over time, this will calm you down and help you reach your weight loss goals. However, its also important to know that you shouldn’t have this tea exclusively. Rather, try alternating with other teas or beverages.

Relieves PMS and other Menstrual Symptoms

Aren’t periods just the worst? During those hard days, lemongrass tea acts as your best friend. This acts as a natural cure to cramps, bloating, and hot flashes. best of all, it has a stomach-soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which keeps your gut in check as well. Further, an article from the journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology and research finds that it can cool the body naturally.

Possible Risks

This tea is typically safe for everyone in small amounts. However, consuming too much can cause dizziness, hunger, tiredness, mouth dryness, and frequent urination. Further, some allergic reactions accompanying it are rashes, itchiness, breathing difficulties, and an increase in heart rate. In fact, you’re more prone to this if you are pregnant, take prescription diuretics, or have a low heart rate or potassium levels.


Lemongrass tea is a safe, nutritious, and all-natural herbal beverage. It can fight ageing, inflammation, cancer, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Furthermore, it can boost oral, digestive, and urinary health, and can ease menstrual problems among women. However, it does come with certain risks which you are more prone to with certain health conditions. Overall, make sure to consume this beverage in moderation alongside a balanced diet to optimise its benefits the best you can.

Read about the benefits of green tea here. 

Join us here at Mekosha for an all-natural Ayurvedic retreat in Kerala. 

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