ayurvedic treatment for arthritis in kerala

| Apr 05 |

All You Need to Know About Sarsaparilla

The Sarsaparilla is a tropical plant with a firm vine and fragrant roots. It is native to rainforest canopies of American islands, such as Mexico, Jamaica, and the West Indies. Further, you can find this in many South American countries too. Ayurveda prizes this herb for its various benefits. First, it treats reproductive health of […]

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| Jan 01 |

The Hidden Power of Ashwagandha

The Ashwagandha herb is a staple of Ayurveda. In other words, it is one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbs; also going by the names Witharia Somnifera (in Latin) or Asgandh (in Sanskrit). This is an ancient medical ‘adaptogenic’ herb since it eases stress. Further, you can steer clear of all forms of illnesses through regular use. […]

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| Dec 31 |

Five Rejuvenating Uses of the Ashoka Herb

Ayurveda suggests a wide range of natural herbs and flowers for good health. The Ashoka herb, for instance, is one of them. Also going by the latin name Sara Indica or Ayurvedic term Asogam, it regulates hormones and functioning across bodily systems. Further, people globally know this herb for its beautiful foliage and fragrant flowers. […]

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| Aug 21 |

Four Ayurvedic Remedies for Knee Pain 

Today, many people have stiff joints or sore knees, which can result in osteoarthritis (OA). There are several factors which cause OA. Some example are inflammation, biomechanics, or cellular imbalances of the cartilage around bones, among others. Over time, your bones lose elasticity and wear away. This stiffens your bones and lowers mobility levels. Thus, […]

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| Aug 17 |

The Wonders of Golden Milk

Turmeric is your ideal Ayurvedic elixir. This golden goddess of spices is widely recommended for its cooling, detoxifying, and dosha-stabilising effects. For instance, it clears your digestive tract, strengthens the heart and bones, lowers blood sugar levels and cancer risk, and boosts your mood. Furthermore, it can boost your immunity through its anti-viral, anti-fungal, and […]

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| Feb 11 |

Can Ayurvedic Treatment Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its joints. It creates an inflammation that causes the tissue in the lining of the inside of the joint which we also refer to as synovium and can result in swelling in and out of the join. If this […]

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