Four Essential Oils for Arthritis
Arthritis is a condition that causes one or more of your joints to swell up. This happens when your cartilage tissue reduces, and cannot absorb as much shock and pressure during movement. Two common forms include Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) among the hundred ones that exist. Firstly, Osteoarthritis (OA) is a result of general wear and tear of joints, and often worsens with an infection or injury. Secondly, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder which attacks the Synovium tissue of the joints.
Some common remedies include medication, surgery, and well being. Above all, an Ayurvedic medicine for knee pain is a popular recommendation by both doctors and practitioners. It is one of the world’s oldest medical systems, and adopts a natural and holistic approach to healthcare. For example, essential oils used to treat knee pain treatment in Ayurveda.
Essential oils are ‘alternative medicines’ using plant extracts. Two specific methods in making these include distillation, such as through steam or water, and mechanical methods, such as cold pressing. They are popular in aromatherapy, in which you inhale them by various means.
Alternatively, you can apply them to your skin for easy absorption of plant based chemicals. Traditional Ayurvedic massages use this technique. Take a look of the types of massages and their benefits here.
Essential Oils for Arthritis
One of the biggest benefits these oils carry are its anti-inflammatory effects. During inhalation, the plant chemicals bind with your blood cells, which reduces the effects of toxic cytokines and enzymes. Thus, the anti-inflammatory effect restores joint mobility and flexibility.
Before undergoing an Ayurvedic treatment for knee gap, be sure of certain precautions. Firstly, always dilute an essential oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut, jojoba, or olive. Essential oils by themselves are potent and can irritate your skin. Secondly, you may want to test the essential oil first to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
Following are four essential oils and their benefits, which can you help ease the effects of arthritis.
Types of Essential Oils
This plant contains several compounds that can alleviate joint pain, inflammation, and swelling. If you suffer through these symptoms, try inhaling the essential oil at 30-minute intervals for at least three days in a row. Subsequently, you will lower blood pressure and reduced knee or joint pain.
You may also add these to a warm bath, as the steam produced will capture the fragrance of the oil. Head to your nearest health store or online to make a purchase.
Also called Boswellia errata Linn, this is one of the oldest and widely used herbs in curing bodily ailments. It contains acids with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can help to ease chronic pain and inflammation. Moreover, the Boswellic acids present can reduce autoimmune responses and prevent cartilage damage.
Use these oils in the form of capsules that have at least 60 mg of Boswellic acid. The recommended dosage is 300-400 mg per day. If course, be sure to consult your doctor prior to consumption.
Turmeric is also known as the ‘golden goddess’ of spices. It’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects restore your joint mobility steadily and naturally. Additionally, applying the essential oil during massages can improve blood circulation.
You may also consume turmeric as a component of a healthy diet. For instance, Turmeric milk or golden milk consumption is a simple and effective remedy in curing joint pain. Unsurprisingly, turmeric consumption is one of the most effective ayurvedic remedies for knee pain.
Take a look at the benefits (and two recipes) of turmeric milk here.
You can also purchase a ready-made turmeric blend from Mekosha here.
Basil oil can cure join pain through a number of its therapeutic compounds. In particular, the essential oil 1.8 cineole that contains anti-inflammatory effects. Another compound called linool helps with swelling reduction. Moreover, it reduces the likelihood of oedema (the buildup of inflammation-inducing fluid), and prevents cartilage damage.
Apart from those listed above, you can mix oils together to reap the benefits of more than one type. For instance, Mekosha’s pain oil contains a blend of Shatavari and Ashwagandha. They work together to reduce stress response, promote fertility, and harmonise the brain and body. You can cure gout and arthritis by purchasing the oil here.
Essential oils are an ancient and natural method of curing arthritis and joint pain. It is one among the well-known remedies of Ayurvedic remedies for knee pain. Eucalyptus, frankencise, turmeric and basil are the best proven essential oils that can ease joint pain and its symptoms. Nevertheless, you must be aware of its potential side effects and the correct technique of application and / or consumption.
Here at Mekosha, we offer you a world-class Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis in Kerala. We minimise the chances of risk by tailoring to your needs and comfort levels. Join us here to truly experience the marvels of the ancient Indian science, Ayurveda, on your health.