ayurvedic skin care products
Jojoba oil comes from the seeds of the Jojoba plant. It is native to dry regions of northern Mexico and Southern USA. As a desert plant, it thrives in drier climates to produce a nut with medicinal and healing properties. For instance, it is rich in vitamins B, E, and antioxidants. Further, it carries minerals […]
The Sarsaparilla is a tropical plant with a firm vine and fragrant roots. It is native to rainforest canopies of American islands, such as Mexico, Jamaica, and the West Indies. Further, you can find this in many South American countries too. Ayurveda prizes this herb for its various benefits. First, it treats reproductive health of […]
Liquorice is a flowering plant of the legume family. It is common to both Asia and Europe. You will find that it is native to Europe and Asia and has multiple uses in these regions. For instance, both regions use this flavour medicines, drinks, and sweets. In addition, it is of immense medical value. For […]
Glycerol or glycerine is a form of sugar alcohol of animal products, plants, or petroleum. For instance, you may use soybean, coconut, or palm oils among available plant products. It is a non-toxic, odourless, and colourless liquid. You may think it sounds synthetic, but it isn’t! In fact, it is present in all natural lipids […]
Proper skincare is essential to living well. Most of us opt for store-bought creams or serums to keep our skin youthful and supple. However, their unsustainable chemicals can harm both your skin and the environment. Ayurveda offers simple and sustainable methods naturally cure your skin. Take a look below for five easy Ayurvedic skincare options. […]