ayurvedic beauty treatment in kerala

| Mar 02 |

All You Need to Know About Orange Peels

Oranges are one of the most refreshing and common citrus fruits. They are versatile too. For instance, you can chop them into a salad, add it to a custard, or simply consume it raw. However, not many people know that the peels carry value as well. While you may not be able to eat it […]

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| Feb 25 |

An Introduction to Neem

Neem is one of the most popular healing herbs in Ayurveda. Most importantly, it has incredible cosmetic and healing effects. This is because it contains cell reinforcement traits which fight maturation. It namely secures your skin from harmful UV rays, dust, and grime. Further, it contains nutrients and greasy acids which retains skin flexibility and […]

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| Feb 18 |

All You Need to Know About Henna

Henna is a famous herb in both India and abroad. It appears in the form of leaf powder, which is an ingredient in medicines. This is because it can fight off numerous infections and diseases. For instance, it can tackle tutors, spasms, and inflammation. Similarly, it can fight stomach ulcers, bed sores, and inflammatory bowel […]

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| Feb 16 |

An Introduction to Fuller’s Earth

Do you frequently face blocked pores or breakouts? Have the regular remedies not worked? And overall, is your skin getting too much too handle? Look no further – Fuller’s earth can naturally repair and rebuild your skin. Introduction Fuller’s earth is a clay-like substance. It contains a drying nature and can pull out oil or […]

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| Jan 27 |

An Introduction to Tracaganth Gum or Gond

There are some Ayurvedic herbs you have been eating all your life. Alternatively, there are others which are not as popular. The Katira gond, for instance, is one such example. It also goes by the Latin name Tragacanth gum or gond in Ayurveda. While it may initially seem futile, don’t turn away – or there are […]

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| Dec 29 |

The Boons of the Indian ‘Soap Nut’ or Aritha

The soap nut is an ancient Indian herb which goes by the name ‘Aritha’ or ‘Reetha’ in Ayurveda. You can make this using the powder of dry Reetha fruits. This is a deciduous plant fruit and grows in rain intensive areas (around 150-200 cms of rainfall each year). Thus, it requires clay soil for cultivation. […]

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| Dec 04 |

7 Proven Benefits of Argan Oil for all Skin Types

Fat is one of the basic necessities in cooking. It acts as a lubricant and helps your food pick up the heat at a quicker speed. Further, it helps your food taste great. There are various types and sources of fats that help each contain distinct properties. Among these, Argan oil is a healthy source […]

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| Nov 10 |

An Ayurvedic Approach to Acne

Acne is a menace to our daily lives. It is most common among adolescents and young adults, between the ages of 18-25 years. It typically appears again only after it has vanishes, which further causes frustration. Thus, you require a permanent solution to acne by addressing the root cause of the problem. In addition, you […]

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| Aug 23 |

Ayurvedic Remedies to Improve Skin Texture

Skincare is the new hot topic of discussion. It is actually easy to achieve – all you need is the earth’s natural elements for healthy and radiant skin. So, keep those artificial scrubs and serums aside. In contrast, turn to natural and sustainable remedies through the ancient Indian science of healing, Ayurveda. Ayurvedic skin care emphasises […]

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