Ayurvedic Remedies to Improve Skin Texture

Skincare is the new hot topic of discussion. It is actually easy to achieve – all you need is the earth’s natural elements for healthy and radiant skin. So, keep those artificial scrubs and serums aside. In contrast, turn to natural and sustainable remedies through the ancient Indian science of healing, Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic skin care emphasises on the statement, ‘true beauty comes from within’. Thus, you will need a healthy lifestyle for external skin routines to work. Most importantly, try to follow habits that are in line with your Dosha or biological energy. Your skin will naturally brighten as your bodily constitution harmonises with your environment.

Skin Types According to Ayurveda

Skin treatment in Ayurveda depends on your dominant dosha.

Those from the vata-dominant category have dry, rough, or cold skin. It’s thin outer layer can be prone to premature wrinkles and ageing. Exposure to harsh elements, incompatible food, excessive activity and insufficient rest can aggravate such conditions.

The Pitta dominant skin type can be fair, freckled or reddish. It is sensitive to oil, heat, acne and inflammation, and burns easily. Toxins are evident through blemishes and acne. These are a result of stress, chemicals, and incompatible food (which is oily, hot, acidic or spicy).

Those of the last category (Kapha dominance) have smooth, moist, and pale skin. Moreover, It is thick and ages well. It is prone to pores, blackheads, whiteheads, and acne due to excessive oil secretion. This is likely if you partake in sedentary lifestyle or eat incompatible food (which is too sweet, salty or sour).

External Skin Care

The three pillars of external skincare are cleansing, toning, and moisturising. Cleansing removes impurities and toning balances its pH value, followed by moisturising which ensures suppleness. You can buy Ayurvedic skincare products from our online store here.


Ayurveda recommends using gentle and organic ingredients at each step. Aloe vera acts as a miracle plant for  its cooling and hydrating properties. Additionally, sandalwood curbs excessive sebaceous gland activity. Some other popular herbs are neem and tulsi (or holi basil). Both of these can be used regularly to clear up acne.

Remember to seek out a specific remedy to your dosha aggravated symptoms. For instance, Vata-dominant skin will glow with the benefits of aloe vera. It possesses cooling and hydrating properties, which soothe dryness and sensitivity. Moreover, it nourishes the skin with vitamins B, C, and beta carotene. Sandalwood and calendula are two other ingredients that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Kapha and Pitta skin types are more prone to oil and acne. You can use neem, tulsi, and tea tree oil to unclog pores and dry out active acne. The effects of breakouts minimise themselves as well. You can also remove impurities with Rose, jasmine, and jojoba oils.


Certain allergies or conditions can trigger your skin more than others. For instance, acne, irritation, grime and sensitivity and some common conditions to all skin types. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers a number of ingredients for each specific condition. For example, pure rose water can get rid of acne by tightening and clarifying pores, as well as eliminating dust. On the other hand, lavender water can calm oily and irritated skin which is prone to ashes and allergies.

Along similar lines, vetiver water provides a cooling sensation that helps multiple skin types. It acts as a natural astringent that balances pH levels. Finally, mogra water is an ideal remedy for dry and sensitive skin. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that relieve stressed skin.


This is a significant step as it provides the skin with nourishment and hydration. Regular cleansing and environmental exposure can often strip the skin off its natural moisture. Ageing also leads to moisture loss. Ayurveda recommends using natural moisturisers year-round. This is especially true if you live in a dry or high altitude areas. Creams, serums, oils and sunscreens are popular solutions to breakouts. However, each of these perform different functions in protecting the skin.

For instance, daily creams can protect the skin from environmental stressors and the sun’s UV rays. On the other hand, night creams help your skin relax and rejuvenate. These requirements also differ as per season and weather conditions.

Herbal oils tend to be more environment friendly, and are preferred to creams. Firstly, Kumkumadi oil can help dull or pigmented skin regain health and radiance. Multiple generations claim that your skin will ‘glow like gold’, with its golden saffron colour. This has been true across generations. It provides both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits without the expected side effects.

Neem is another herb of medicinal value. Its antioxidant properties has made it an effective timeless tool to treat skin disorders. It can treat rashes, burns, hyper pigmentation and abrasions while providing all-round protection.

You can also can use oils for Abhyanga or self massages. Some Ayurvedic herbs for skin include coconut, almond, Nalpamaradi and sesame oils. Each of these have separate benefits. Coconut oil is a popular general conditioner. Nalpamaradi and sesame oils can also repair sun damage.

You can read more about the types of Ayurvedic massages here. 


Skincare doesn’t have to be difficult. Remember the three steps of Ayurvedic treatment – cleansing, toning, and moisturising – for long lasting skin health. Wherever possible, try to use natural and organic ingredients. Don’t forget to go for ingredients which suit your dominant dosha.

Don’t forget that your external body is merely a reflection of your internal health. The best diet for glowing skin comprises of foods that suit your dosha type. Go for cooked, fresh food, rice dishes, raw fruits and vegetables, soups, salads and beverages. This will guarantee you with smooth and supple skin.

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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