7 Proven Benefits of Argan Oil for all Skin Types

Fat is one of the basic necessities in cooking. It acts as a lubricant and helps your food pick up the heat at a quicker speed. Further, it helps your food taste great. There are various types and sources of fats that help each contain distinct properties.

Among these, Argan oil is a healthy source of unsaturated fats. It contains a high percentage of lipids, fatty acids, and vitamins A and E. Thus, it is important to food, natural botanicals, and exocrine and skin health. Just make sure to use a diluted solution, as with all plant oils.

7 Benefits of Argan Oil for All Skin Types

Argan oil contains anti-diabetic, anti-cancerous, and healing effects. It also aids cardiovascular and skin health. Following are some of these key benefits to the skin.

1. Acne Prevention

Store-bought remedies can cause dryness and flakiness of the skin. In other words, it strips off natural oils. In contrast, Argan oil is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. This fights against rashes, redness, and dryness.

Overall, this oil reduces inflammation and controls sebum production. As a result, this clears out clogged pores and helps it breathe. Further, the vitamin E presence heals exiting scars and damaged skin. In this manner, it is one of the best self-exfoliation oils.

2. Anti-aging Properties

The antioxidants in argan oil fight against free radicals. As a result, it reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, which can cause aging. Further, direct application to the skin can visual aging signs. It also enables skin hydration and elasticity.

Most importantly, it contains omega-3 fatty acids which boost collagen production and prevent skin youth. Above all, it reduces the likelihood of fine lines and wrinkles. You can include it in your diet or apply it directly to reap the said benefits. Make sure to opt for skincare products which include Argan oil. Likewise, you can prepare a facial scrub or mask which contains this.

3. Moisturizing Effects

Argan oil majorly comprised of oleic and linoleic acids. This comprises its fat content. Moreover, these contain significant nutrients for skin and hair health. Multiple studies confirm these findings. For instance, a study among postmenopausal women confirms higher skin moisture content, as a result of these nutrients. In contrast, plants with lower nutrient profiles may cause split ends and dryness.

You may apply argan oil directly to the skin or ingest it. Alternatively, you may apply this to your hair to retain softness and luster.

4. Treatment of Skin Diseases

This has been one of the oldest oils to cure skin ailments and diseases. In fact, is first popular in Northern African countries for this purpose where it originates. It houses a host of anti oxidant and anti inflammatory compounds. Further, its antibacterial and anti fungal properties can also treat other miscellaneous infections. Thus, it cures skin conditions such as psoriasis and rosacea.

Most importantly, this oil helps with the treatment of atopic dermatitis. This oil carries high levels of vitamin E., which soothes affected areas. As a result, it relieves instant relief to redness and itchiness.

Make sure to apply Argan oil directly to the affected area. However, first, test it in smaller skin patches so that it does not react adversely. You may also take oral supplements in addition to ongoing medication. Argan oil is also used in many ayurvedic skin treatments.

5. Sun Damage Protection

Long-term exposure to the sun has various detrimental effects. Above all, it increases free radical activity raises oxidation levels. The antioxidants present in Argan oil can fight these effects. Consequently, this prevents skin burns and hyper pigmentation. Further, it can prevent more serious ailments such as skin cancer or melanoma over time.

However, to clarify, do not use this as a natural sunscreen or sunblock. Be sure to consult a practitioner if you wish to use this regularly.

6. Reduction of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are not just common during pregnancy. These are most commonly visible on the thighs, stomach, and hips. However, you can easily get rid of these using a water-in-oil cream containing Argan oil. This increases skin elasticity and thus prevents stretch marks.

Apply this concoction on the area with stretch marks twice a day. Likewise, you may apply these on areas even when you suspect stretch marks may appear.

7. Wound Healing

Wounds are typically exposed to pathogens and thus take longer to heal. Argan oil is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E levels, which can defeat these. Further, its fungicidal properties strengthen white blood cells to fight against the same. In this manner, it helps wounds and cuts heal faster.

Argan oil supplements can serve this purpose, in addition to overall benefits. However, be sure to consult a doctor regarding the right dosage and time of consumption.


Argan oil contains an array of health benefits for both the mind and body. Its benefits to skin health are especially notable. For instance, it retains skin suppleness, youth, complexion, elasticity, and smoothness. Further, it heals wounds and cuts due to its powerful antibacterial properties. However, prior to consumption, be sure to confirm that your body does not react adversely to the oil.

Take a look at other Ayurveda oils for skin health here. 

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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