Almond Oil and Skin Health

Nuts are a powerhouse of nutrients. For instance, walnuts, cashews, and pecans contain multiple such elements. Similarly, almonds are an invaluable nut. It is a popularly available nut which you can consume in versatile ways. Almond oil, for instance, is a common means to extract these benefits.

Almond oil is rich in vitamins A, B, D and E, and also contains potassium and calcium. Thus, it is a useful ingredient in oil and skin care. In general, it has recently become popular as a non-toxic and multipurpose beauty treatment tool. Thus, it is now available around the world in various forms as a skincare routine ingredient.

Properties of Almond Oil

Almonds are not just rich in vitamin E. They are also contain vitamin A, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. Each of these have significant benefits to skin health. First, vitamin E can keep cels robust and prevent its cell wear and tear. Secondly, both vitamin A and zinc smoothes fine lines and wrinkles. Similarly, zinc can heal facial scars and cuts.

One of the biggest benefits of almond oil is its lightness and suitability across skin types. Further, it is easily available across geographical regions. Most importantly, you can reap these benefits only with the right dosage and sustainable use. Following are some such uses and benefits for skin health.

Cleansing Properties

Almond oil enables other better skin penetration of other oils. In other words, it acts as a carrier oil. Add a few drops of an essential oil to almond oil and mix well, applying the concoction to your face. Make sure your face is slightly damp. Next, rinse your face well with warm water to thoroughly get rid of oil residue.

There are a number of essential oils you can use for this purpose. Rose hip, lavender, lemon and rose geranium are some beneficial options. However, make sure to test this on a small patch of skin such as your elbow or wrist. This is necessary to prevent any allergic reactions or skin irritations.

Treatment of Dark Circles

The powerful anti-inflammatory effects of almond oil can reduce dark circle puffiness. Likewise, it also contains emollient and sclerosant properties. These can improve your skin tone and complexion. Further, it enables skin lightening, healing, and prevents stretch marks.

Pure and cold pressed almond oil is the best form to cure dark circles. After washing and cleansing your face, apply a small amount of this oil below your eyes. Leave this on your face preferably overnight. Subsequently, it will penetrate well and also enables blood circulation as you massage the region. Most importantly, practice this routine regularly for glowing and hydrated skin.

Cures Skin Ailments

Your skin is the first barrier against pathogens to entering the body. Thus, frequent exposure to various environmental conditions can cause various long and short term ailments. You can alleviate these with the powerful properties of almond oil. For instance, its vitamins A and E concentration can heal sun damage, ageing, scars and acne.

Further, almond oil contains anti fungal properties. You can rub it on your foot to prevent and heal various microbial infections. For instance, the athlete’s foot and ringworm infections are some such common infections which clear with this oil. Similarly, Ayurveda propagates this oil to cure psoriasis and eczema.

Moisturising Properties

Almond oil contains both moisturising and emollient properties. First, it works as a moisturiser by hydrating skin and keeping it firm by supplying it with oil. Secondly, it acts as an emollient through skin smoothening and moisture retention. In this manner, it strengthens the barrier function which the skin provides. Most importantly, it prevents redness, dryness and itching that accompanies dry skin.

There are various ways you can use this as a moisturiser. For instance, try mixing the oil with sugar or salt and store it in a mildly warm place. This can serve as a face and body scrub. Alternatively, you can add a few spoons to a hot bath. This can enable the oil to spread evenly across your body.

One of the most common methods is to apply it directly on your lips, nails or cuticles to ward away dryness.

Sun Protection

Excessive exposure to UV rays can cause skin burns, darkness, and ageing. Almond oil can reverse these effects. First, it contains high antioxidant levels through elements such as magnesium, copper, and phosphorus. Second, it is a milder alternative to most other skin protection techniques. Thus, it can shield your skin from the harmful exposure of UV rays and also improve overall skin tone.

However, make sure to not skip SPF protection all together if you opt for almond oil. Rather, make it a regular ingredient of your skincare routine. This provides you with a homeopathic way to skip the harmful effects of sun burns and rashes. This is especially important for hotter and drier weather , when the sun wears out and dehydrates your skin.

Prevention of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a result of various factors, not just pregnancy. For instance, your adrenal glands produce the cortisone hormones which weaken skin elasticity. Further, genetic makeup and degrees of stress may also cause these marks. These often form over time and are difficult to eliminate. However, certain studies show that almond oil can prevent both the formation and spread of stretch marks.

This oil can soften and rejuvenate your skin. Thus, it allows your body to stretch and flex by loosening the skin. You can apply this on areas both with and without stretch marks. Most importantly, remember that it does not directly cure stretch marks, but nevertheless maintains skin elasticity and suppleness.


Almonds hold multifold benefits to both physical and mental health. You may consume it as a milk, butter, power, or in roasted and raw forms. Among these, almond oil is a particularly valuable ingredient for skin health. It treats dark circles, skin ailments, dryness, sunburns, and stretch marks. On a day-to-day basis, it also works as an effective cleanser.

However, make sure that you do not have a nut allergy prior to consumption or application. Likewise, you should also ensure that your skin or body does not react adversely to expose. Try to carry out a patch test of this oil to ensure that it is safe. In summery, you can use it as a daily skincare ingredient for smooth and supple skin.

Click here for more Ayurvedic skincare tips. 

Click here to find out more about Ayurvedic essential oils for skincare. 

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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