Ayurvedic Beauty Tricks to Make You Look Young

A stressful day at work, sun exposure, pollution, processed foods – everything that you eat and do shows up on your skin. Yes, skincare products sold in the market are an obvious choice, but they are not only quite expensive but also contain harsh chemicals that deteriorate your skin and sometimes, cause additional problems. 

The best thing to do is to go natural and explore the world of Ayurveda and beauty. Having proved effective for centuries, Ayurveda undoubtedly is the best for beauty as well as overall health as it eliminates the problem from its roots. Ayurveda rejuvenates and soothes the skin tissues, removes dark spots and blemishes, and gives you a general sense of clean health and radiance.

So keep reading for the top 7 natural tricks that work wonders in making you beautiful – 

  1. Exercise

Indulging in any physical activity for 30 minutes every day helps circulation, detoxification, and, gives lustre to your skin, and reduces stress. It could be anything like yoga, swimming, walking, or dancing. 

For more information go through our Yoga and Meditation Package.

  1. Clean food

When choosing foods to eat, always opt for organic, local, and seasonal foods. These kinds of foods are pesticide-free and the preservatives present in them make the cells in your body more energetic and resilient, affecting how you feel, look, and age.

Check out our specialized Ayurvedic Cuisines served at the Communal Table.

  1. Water

Water helps to keep your body refreshed and hydrated, and also helps with scars, wrinkles, and blemishes. As per Ayurveda, water should be consumed at room temperature or hot, rather than cold or iced. This helps boost your digestive fire (Agni). For better hydration, turn your regular water into an electrolyte drink by adding a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of mineral salt, and a squeeze of lime or lemon. This helps your body retain water for a longer period.

  1. Herbs and Spices

Ayurvedic herbs and spices are a storehouse of power and rejuvenation. They also help detoxify your body by removing toxins. 

Turmeric – This spice is commonly used for cooking, but it has proven to be excellent for your skin.

Manjistha – This is one of the best herbs for blood purification, which in turn gives you a clearer complexion.

Ginger – Invigorating and warming, any food item can be supplemented with ginger for better digestion.  

Trikatu – Meaning “three pungents”, trikatu is an Ayurvedic blend of pippali, black pepper, and ginger. It aids in faster digestion.

  1. Massages

Practicing ‘abhyanga’ (self-massage) once or twice a week is considered an important part of Ayurvedic beauty practices. It helps in the body’s detoxification, increases skin elasticity, and keeps premature aging at bay. Use an Ayurvedic massage oil of your choosing and inculcate this in your self-care routine. 

Do go through our Ayurvedic Packages to know more.

  1. Ayurvedic Therapies

The Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapy is an amazing detoxification therapy that improves metabolism, boosts immunity, and eliminates toxins (ama) from your body. It also relaxes your mind and gives you a younger, and healthier body.

To explore more, book a consultation with our best Ayurvedic Professionals and check out our Ayurvedic Panchakarma Package

  1. Youth-activating Antioxidants

Natural antioxidants help prevent cells from being damaged and also help restore damaged skin. Moreover, they improve blood flow and are anti-aging. Some of them are – Amla, Guduchi, Ashwagandha, and Ginseng. 

Visit our Ayurvedic shop to find herbal products suitable for you.

Start your healing journey with us at Mekosha Ayurveda Spasuites Retreat today!

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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