Ayurveda for Anti Ageing

Ageing is an inevitable process. Our bodies constantly undergo degeneration and renewal of cells throughout our lives. As a result, we are bound to experience physical symptoms such as grey hair, muscle degeneration, or loose skin. Fortunately, these are not difficult problems to solve. You can stay vibrant and youthful by following an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Understanding Ageing through Ayurveda

Ayurveda views ageing as a natural and yapya (palliative) disease. It occurs during Vriddhavasta, which is the final stage of life between 60-70 years. This is a phase of degeneration and decay. Your likelihood of hair loss, greying, and wrinkled skin due to a predominant vaayu dosha. Your body also becomes prone to diseases such as kasa (cough) or shwas (asthma).

Dosha imbalances are a common reason for premature such symptoms. These may be caused by low immunity levels, dietary imbalances, irregular sleep cycles, or coitus. Even overconsumption of antioxidant-rich foods (such as amla or rashaya) can cause vata-pitta aggravation.

Anti -Ageing Tips

Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to healing and recovery. In other words, every component of the Ayurvedic system possesses a unique benefits to overall health and longevity. However, there are two crucial anti-ageing tips given below which can directly reverse or slow down the ageing process.

Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurveda can harmonise your body with the rhythms of nature. You can reap its benefits by through environmentally-grounded habits and rituals. This can help you achieve tridoshic balance for ideal well-being. This is possible with a variety of Ayurvedic herbs, each of which contain unique benefits.

Many herbs contain anti-oxidants that destroy free radicals. This process regenerates body cells and reduces the ageing process. Moreover, ageing itself if a degenerative and palliative process. Thus, it is substantive herbs are essential to keeping the ageing process slow and steady. Moreover, these herbs can reverse the effects of accumulated oxidative stress.

Gudicci, Guggulu, and turmeric are herbs that contain anti-inflammatory properties, and can resolve inflamed skin conditions. Additionally, herbs like Ginseng, Gutu-kola and Ashwagandha have powerful antioxidants that can fight various diseases. Ginseng contains numerous phytochemical that can stimulate metabolic activity. Finally, herbs such as Brahmi or Bacopa can serve as memory enhancers.

Triphala is another common remedy in Ayurveda. This is a herbal concoction of Amla, Bhibhitaki, and Haritaki which are three medicinal plants local to the Indian subcontinent. They rank high on the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) scale and can thus reducing oxidative stress. Moreover, it contains high levels of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and digestive properties.

Herbal oils are also helpful in preventing degeneration. These can improve blood circulation, skin health, and joint lubrication. In addition, these can ease dryness, eroded cartilage and vertebral disks, prevent fluid loss and restore depleted bones. Further, they serve mobility-related functions of strength and balance. Above all, these can balance your vata dosha, and ranks high among the anti-ageing tips for 40s.


Panchkarma is a five-step rejuvenation process for the mind and body. It comes from the Sanskrit words panch (meaning five) and karm (meaning treatment or action). These help to restore tridoshic balance between data, pitta, and klapha dosas. Moreover, it uses the body’s own channels of elimination (such as the colon, sweat glands, lungs, intestines etc.) to eliminate toxins. Therefore, the process is a deep cleansing one which can revitalise your organs.

Bodily toxins are a result of diseases, poor nutrition, and the environment. The human body can typically process and clear these wastes by itself. However, poor regulation of your body’s homeostasis can cause these toxins can spread and accumulate. This results in a sticky and toxic waste called ama.

Panchakarma addresses the accumulation of Ama or toxic material, which Ayurveda views as the root cause of all diseases. It blocks the free flow of nutrients and energy in varying forms. For instance, saturated fat and cholesterol accumulation in the arteries prevent easy metabolism. Likewise, negative energy can hold back your emotional Agni from its peak performance.

To sum up, the power of Panchakarma lies in its holistic approach towards treatment. Each of its sub therapies provides its own individual benefit. However, the overall result will leave your mind and body fresh and relaxed. These effects will reflect on your skin and body. Hence, this is an invaluable anti-ageing tip for 50s.

You can find out more about Panchakarma here.

You can try out Panchakarma with an Ayurvedic skin treatment in Kerala through Mekosha.


Ayurveda is a sustainable and effective tool to delay ageing. Furthermore, the latter categorises ageing as a disease which interrupts internal homeostasis. Fortunately, Ayurvedic tips keep your internal functioning in line with your environment. Regular adherence to Ayurveda can promote longevity and youth. Regular consumption of Ayurvedic herbs and panchakarma practices are two direct methods to achieve this.

Take a look at our Ayurvedic course outline here for a complete guide on following an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Don’t forget to check out our Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases in Kerala through a package deal with Mekosha.

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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