Here’s How Valerian Can Help With Anxiety
The Valerian herb is native to Europe and South Asia. However, it grows in North America as well. This contains an array of compounds which can lower stress and anxiety. Further, people often combine this with other herbs (such as hops or lemon balm) which causes calmness or sleepiness. Thus, this can treat various health conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, headaches, or digestive problems. Further, it can muscle pain and fatigue among athletes. Above all, this is an all-natural herb with little to no side effects.
This herb carries a number of uses. Above all, is most helpful in treating insomnia. For instance, a number of studies show that it creates noticeable effects if patients use this continuously from several days to four weeks. Similarly, it can also cure stress, tension headaches, ADHD, and fatigue.
Secondly, it can cure reproductive disorders among women. For instance, it can help you get rid of menstrual cramps, menopause, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In fact, research shows that just 255 grams of Valerian root a day for eight weeks can lower rates of hot flashes among post menopausal women. Similarly, other studies show that it can lower PMS symptoms if you begin with this on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle, and continue with it for a week.
There are various other bodily ailments it can cure as well. For instance, it can help you get rid of convulsions, muscle and joint pain, and stomach pain. However, its primary purpose is to provide a soothing effect. So take a look below to understand some of these benefits in detail.
Calmness Inducing Properties
Various studies by Pub Med show that the Valerian root can ease anxiety. For instance, one study shows that rats taking valerian before a maze test were calmer than those taking nothing or alcohol. Similarly, another study shows that subjects taking this herb (with lemon balm) were calmer during a pressure test. On the other hand, those who took much higher doses actually saw greater anxiety levels. In summery, be sure to keep track of your dosage even while you opt for this herb.
Further, this root can also cure symptoms in connection with anxiety. Some examples include generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). For instance, a two-month long study of OCD subjects went through lower rates of triggering behaviours, in comparison to the control group. Similarly, other studies show that it can help children calm down and maintain focus as well. For instance, one study shows that a combination of Valerian and lemon balm can lower impulsive activity among 50% of 169 school children.
Above all, this herb doesn’t cause side effects like other medicines. So to get rid of jitters or anxiety, simply get on some valerian supplements. However, as always, make sure to consult a doctor or practitioner first. This keeps wary of risks so you can stick to the safer side.
Sleep Inducing Properties
Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night? Alternatively, do you find yourself waking up in the middle of your sleep. You’re not alone. An article by Health Line reports that 30% of people face insomnia, indicating poor or troubled sleeping patterns. In fact, even higher rates are common in other parts of the developed world.
Thankfully, the valerian herb can help you out of this. Over six studies show that Valerian can not only reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, but also improve sleep quality and quantity. For instance, a study in which 27 subjects took 400 grams of the herb showed an improvement in sleep quality among 24 people, of which 12 experienced ‘perfect’ sleep.
Similarly, another study shows that just one dose of Valerian improved the rate of falling into deep sleep by 36%. Further, they spent greater time in deep sleep over the course of two weeks. In fact, these results are consistent among children as well. For instance, a two month study shows that the herb can improve both sleep quality and quantity among children with sleep disorders.
Above all, valerian can reduce the need for sleep-inducing drugs among elders. Various sedatives and medicines can increase dependancy over time. Thus, they can harm you in the long run. So go for Valerian if you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or sleepless – it will show you results in no time.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is opting for extremely high or low dosages. Ayurvedic medicines are just as powerful as any others. So, it is best to be aware of their optimal quantity and frequency as you consume it. Speak to a doctor or expert for the best advice.
Typically, between 400-900 mg of valerian is most effective. Make sure to take this between 30 – 120 minutes before sleeping for best effects. Most importantly, remember that larger doses do not always equal greater effectiveness. If you go for a dose above 900 mg, you’ll probably face sleepiness the next morning as well.
Pills or powders are a simple way to measure dosages. Alternatively, you can make valerian drink as a hot and delicious beverage. Simply submerge 2-3 grams of the dried root in hot water for 10-15 minutes and drink it hot. Make sure to drink this regularly between 2-4 weeks, and you’ll start feeling calmer and sleeping better in no time.
However, do remember that this cure may not be ideal in all situations. For instance, jobs such as driving or doing manual work require alertness, which you cannot deliver with this herb. In addition, make sure you’re not having these drugs alongside alcohol, sedatives, or anti-anxiety medicines. This is because it can increase the effects of depressants.
The Valerian herb is a fantastic all-natural cure to anxiety. In addition, it helps to alleviate sleep disorders and can boost reproductive health as well. However, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure this is safe for you to use. Also make sure that your dosage suits you well.
Check out some Ayurvedic tips for better sleep here.
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