The word ‘Ayurveda’ is derived from Sanskrit, which means ‘Life science’. Ayurveda practices are based on nature and natural resources.

Ayurvedic skin treatment is a form of alternative medicine that originated in India. It is based on the principle of balance in the body and aims to restore the body to a state of equilibrium. It also promotes overall health and well-being. The treatment is said to be beneficial for a variety of skin conditions, including acne, eczema, psoriasis, and wrinkles. Ayurvedic skin treatment is gentle and safe and can be used on all skin types. The beautiful Indian state of Kerala, in particular, is known for the same.

Ayurveda is based on the principle of balancing the three doshas (energies), in the body: Vata (wind), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth), and Ayurveda views skin diseases as being caused by imbalances in the doshas. Therefore, treatment focuses on restoring balance in the body.

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Here are some simple measures for you to follow in order to have healthy, beautiful, and glowing skin. 

1 ) Diet

Day-to-day dietary choices like avoiding processed foods, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water can help to improve the health of the skin.

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2) Exercise

The benefits of exercise are never-ending. According to Ayurveda, exercising early in the morning or evening is immensely advantageous for your skin. Go for exercises like walking, swimming, hiking, cycling, or meditation. 

Do go through our Yoga Retreat Package.

3) Cooling Baths, Colours, and Essential Oils

Pitta (the fire dosha) can be cooled by you taking a cold shower and dressing in cool colors like greens, blues, and whites. Applying essential oils (jasmine, or khus) to the crown of your head and other chakra points also helps to feel cool and energetic throughout the day.

4)  Ayurvedic Self Massage

Looking for a beauty treatment at home? Don’t worry we’ve got you. This ancient practice of self-massage is amazingly detoxifying and supportive. It lubricates your skin, settles your nervous system, cleanses your sweat glands, and promotes overall healing.

Simply massage your skin with 1/4 cup of oil before taking a shower in the morning, to keep it pacified throughout the day. Coconut and sunflower oil are very good at soothing your skin after a sunburn.

5) Cooling Substances

Skin aggravations are very common and during that time the appropriate cooling substance will have great soothing effects.

Aloe Vera gel is known to rejuvenate your skin whilst supporting its natural healing process. Similarly, fresh Coconut water can also be applied to the skin to cool it. Melon rind (the inner part of a melon) can be applied directly to the skin to cool it tropically.

6) Herbs

Herbs are often used in Ayurvedic skin disease treatments as they have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and healing properties. 

The most common ones include Turmeric (for skin complexion and fostering beautiful skin), Neem (for destroying toxins and removing excess heat), Hibiscus (for healthy and lustrous hair), and Triphala or Amlaki (for pacifying all three doshas).

All the above-mentioned methods may seem a little overwhelming to you. So, if you are searching for a personal and customized gateway towards healing that will address your issues from the roots, come visit Mekosha Ayurveda Spasuites Retreat and consult the best Ayurvedic Professionals.

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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