Five Reasons to Opt For Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a powerful medicinal plant from the lily family. It is between 1-2 feet tall with cactus-like features. For instance, it possesses a broad baste, pointy leaves, and spinal edges. Thus, it thrives in hot and dry weather regions such as those in North Africa, Southern Europe, and certain parts of the USA. Moreover, it is common to multiple tropical regions worldwide today.

Among the 240 different forms of aloe vera, only 3-4 of them have medicinal properties. Most of these benefits are present in the clear gel of aloe leaves. For instance, these contain 75 known substances such as vitamins A, B, C and E, amino acids, calcium and amino acids. Thus, this helps to build protein and ensure proper digestive health.

Ayurveda propagates this herb for certain reasons. First, it provides tvaka rog or skin hydration and treatment of skin disorders. Along similar lines, it can treat sunburns and wounds. Through these effects, it helps with anti-ageing, as well as cell and tissue rejuvenation. Next, it can treat asthma or chronic respiratory disorders. Finally, it can improve your immune system and strength. Take a look below to find five notable benefits of aloe vera.

Burns, Bruises and Wounds

Aloe vera helps to strengthen the skin’s epithelial tissues and prevent it from injuries. It’s powerful anti fungal and antibacterial properties can cure ailments. For instance, it can increase blood flow to wounded areas which allows faster clotting. This is due to the fibroblast stimulation, which helps would heal. This, it can help to cure wounds and sunburns.

In the case of wounds, apply the gel on a bruised skin spot multiple times a day. As for burns, apply a paste of 70 percent aloe vera gel and 30 percent bentonite clay on the affected areas. After that, wait for 15 minutes to wash it off. You might want to consult a practitioner for more serious burns or bruises.

Anti Ageing

This herb enables the fibroblast stimulation. In addition to wound healing, these cells manufacture a protein named collagen which helps the anti-ageing process. Further, aloe vera absorption occurs 4-5 times faster than water, and its effects are visible almost instantly.

Aloe vera keeps your skin clear and hydrated. As the plant lives in dry and unstable conditions, it stores water in its leaves. This water-dense nature in combination with complex carbohydrates makes your skin glow. Therefore, it helps with pain relief and moisturization.

Proper Digestion

Aloe vera works as a natural laxative. In other words, it can loosen stool and facilitate bowel movements. Further, to can cure stomach ulcers, which are small sores that form in the stomach lining. Hence, you may use aloe vera for its anti-inflammatory affect to cure stomach lesions. However, be way of your dosage – practitioners recommend not more than 0.04-0.17 grams of dried juice.

You must also approach this herb with caution if you suffer from haemorrhoids, Crohn’s disease, or Colitis. It may result in diarrhoea or abdominal cramps in such cases. Likewise, avoid aloe vera if you consume any other medicine – you may not be able to absorb it effectively.

Aloe plants are also essential to tackling acid refluxes. This is a condition in which your stomach acids flowing back up the oesophagus, due to harmful gut bacteria activity. It weakens the oesophagus opening and allows stomach acids to rise. Further, it produces gas which results in abdominal bleeding and discomfort. The antibacterial properties of aloe of these plants are essential to killing these pathogens.

Weight Loss

Gut health is inextricably linked to weight loss. Aloe vera is invaluable to proper metabolism, digestion, and excretion. First, the plant possesses B-vitamins and enzymes which are essential to burn fat. Second, it acts as a natural laxative and prevents water retention. Consequently, these keeps your stools and overall digestive system functioning smoothly.

Your body reverts into detox mode during natural weight loss. The process accelerates with Acemannan, which is a complex carbohydrate present in the aloe plant. Consequently, this combines with its laxative properties to boost weight loss. You may consume this in the form of aloe vera juice to maximise effects.

Oral Health

Aloe-Infused mouthwashes and tooth gels help to treat cavities. Further, these are just as good if not better than conventional toothpastes. The plant contains anti-inflammatory effects due to the presence of anthraquinone compounds, which can heal and reduce dental pain. Make sure to choose a stabilising gel which concentrates the plant to maximise the effects.

Dental plaque is another common oral ailment. This can cause various dental issues such as gingivitis and abscessed teeth. Aloe plant gel can tackle two specific microbial strains, Streptococcus mutans and Candidas albicans. Overall, the gel creates a refreshing effect and keeps the mouth disease-free.


Aloe vera contains a host of proteins, such as glycoprotein, bitter glycoside, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C. All of these provide both internal and external remedies, ranging from skincare, youth, digestion, metabolism to oral health. However, it may potentially cause skin irritations or internal reactions. Moreover, be especially careful while opting for aloe vera as a laxative – consult with a practitioner for proper dosage.

Overall, the aloe plant is available as creams, gels, and ointments, and can treat an array of ailments. Apart from its use as a skin remedy, it can soothe and heal even internal epithelial tissues. However, you must be wary of other conditions before its use.

Find out more about the Ayurvedic approach to skin care here. 

Join us here at Mekosha for an Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala here. 

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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