6 Proven Restorative Benefits of Olive Oil

Fat is a core component of a balanced diet. It enables long-term energy storage, cell growth, hormone production, and keeping warm. However, it is also true that not all fats equally impact your body. For instance, unsaturated fats reduce the risk of inflammation, heart diseases, and hemorrhage. In addition, it strengthens cell membranes and enables muscle movement. You can reap these benefits through olive oil.


Olive oil is one of the healthiest fat sources. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is an ingredient in medicines, soap, cooking, and fuel. However, it is popular around the world today and is present in multiple forms. For example, you can eat it as a whole, or chop and add it to pizzas, pasta, and salads, among other dishes. Moreover, it is also useful as a highly sensitive moisturizer. Therefore, it is a useful remedy for treating mild skin ailments such as acne, wounds, and burns.

The essential fatty acids are present with emollient squalene. This is one of the most common types of fats that human skin cells produce. Further, it contains phenolic compounds, and polyphenols specifically. In short, the fatty acid structure of olive oils is preferable to saturate fat sources. Its content and structure are key to ensuring longevity and wellness. In addition, Ayurveda asserts a number of long and short-term benefits that can boost overall health.

Benefits – 6 Proven Benefits of Olive Oil

Some of the long-term health benefits of olive oil include heart disease, stroke, and oxidative stress prevention, lowering the risk of diabetes,

1. Heart Disease Prevention

Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). These are one of the healthiest among fatty acids, particularly for heart health. For instance, it enables arterial wall elasticity and prevents it from hardening. In addition, it enables clotting and platelet aggregation.

Above all, remember that the quality of oil matters as much as its quantity. Olive oil, for instance, reduces levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, hence maintaining a healthy lipid profile. Therefore, it prevents artery blockage and reduces heart disease risk.

2. Lowers Risk of Diabetes

Certain risk factors of type 2 diabetes include obesity, inactivity, and high blood sugar levels. Among these, obesity raises insulin resistance, which interferes with glucose uptake by cells and muscles. As a result, glucose remains in the blood and may eventually cause hyperglycemia.

Olive oil prevents insulin resistance which thus delays the onset of diabetes. Thus, insulin sensitivity improves alongside overall glucose uptake. In summary, you can manage the two latter factors through a diet rich in olive oil and dietary fiber levels, moderate protein levels, and low in saturated fat.

3. Stroke Prevention

A stroke occurs due to blood flow disruption to the brain. These are typically a result of a blood clot of bleeding. Doctors rank strokes as the second highest cause of death after heart diseases. Further, a number of studies have extensively written about this correlation.

First, a review of 841,000 persons finds that olive oil to be the only fat source that reduces cardiovascular disease risk. Similarly, another study of 140,000 persons confirms a link between olive oil consumption and lower stroke risk. These findings are especially valuable to those cultures in which stress fats in cooking. For instance, while it is local to the Mediterranean basin, multiple countries employ olive oil in local dishes today.

4. Oxidative Stress Prevention

Olive oil contains high antioxidant levels. Moreover, it is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K. Their biological activity has anti-inflammatory effects and reduces the risks of chronic disease. Further, these prevent the oxidation of blood cholesterol. These effects can consequently lower the risk of heart diseases.

Overall, high antioxidant levels can fight free radicals which ward away various diseases. For instance, they can ease Rheumatoid Arthritis, cancer, cataract, and Alzheimer’s disease are some ailments which you can fight with higher antioxidant levels.

5. Medicinal Uses

Olive oil contains multiple medicinal benefits. Firstly, it enables wounds to heal quickly. Gently apply a few drops on incisions for faster recovery and prevention of scars. However, do not apply this on open or healing wounds.

Second, it can reduce the risk of skin tumors, which is typically a result of prolonged sun exposure. Simply apply olive oil on overheated or burnt skin and leave it overnight. After that, wash your skin the following morning. The antioxidants present in olive oil neutralizes free radicals and carcinogens, which fights oxidative stress. They are also used in ayurvedic treatment for breathing problems.

Third, it can moisturize and improve hair quality. The presence 0f vitamin E and antioxidants, namely, can strengthen and add luster to your hair. By these means, it treats hair dryness and brittleness.

6. Treats Miscellaneous Diseases

The presence of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is essential for fighting various ailments. These include osteoporosis, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

First, the presence of phenols can retain bone mass. Further, it improves the calcification process by improving alkaline phosphate (ALP) activity, as well as depositing calcium ions in the extracellular matrix. Therefore, it prevents osteoporosis by improving bone mineral density.

Second, it reduces the presence of free radicals and carcinogens. Both of these are the leading causes of cancer. Above all, it reduces rates of breast cancer and bowel cancer.

Thirdly, experiments show that olive oil improves mental agility and memory loss. Further, it improves cognitive functions and intellectual ability. By these means, olive oil is essential in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.


In summary, olive oil is a powerful source of antioxidants and essential vitamins. Most importantly, it is a source of unsaturated fat which is preferable to saturate or trans fat sources. Thus, it provides cardiovascular, digestive, and medicinal benefits. Use olive oil as a cooking medium or garnish to reap these benefits.

Learn more about other Ayurvedic dosha-pacifying meals here. 

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Mekosha Ayurveda

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